Monday, April 29, 2013


A little while ago my sister in law's mother, who happens to be a kindy teacher, called to see if I would be a parent help for their gymnastics class.  Downside, I'd have to deal with other people's raised-at-daycare kids.  Upside, Vili would get to be in the class for free.  And so we went for it. 

Best decision ever.

Vili absolutely LOVES gymnastics.  Climbing, jumping, rolling, running, he was born for gymnastics.  In fact, since we started going, every single prayer he says starts "Dear heavenly father, thank you for this day, thank you that I can go to my gymnastics with my friends".

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He has the best time there, loves every minute of it every week.  He will be devastated when the class is over.  But for now, he's in little gymnastics boy heaven.

1 comment:

Line said...

Super cute! And he's so handsome!