Thursday, October 8, 2009

Haunted Lagoon

This month PCC is doing a Haunted Lagoon ride to celebrate Halloween. They set up the PCC with monsters and people that pop out of the water and a bunch of really cool special effects. We rode it this week for Family Home Evening with Tui's sister, nephew, mother, aunty, uncle, 3 cousins, their 2 spouses, their 3 children, and 2 of tui's sister's husband's brother's kids. We had a big bunch. We had to wait in line for about an hour, which wasn't too bad. We filled our time by taking a billion pictures of ourselves.

We took pictures before loading on board.
The babies weren't so keen on the costumes.... if you couldn't already tell by their faces. We thought it was hilarious.... if you couldn't already tell by our faces.

Our group on the canoe.
Funny faces.

The gang.

Malachi was totally chill on the canoe ride, he just waved at the monsters, and even shook hands with one that jumped out of the water and on to the seat next to us. It was so much fun, a little scarey, very funny. I highly reccomend it to anyone living/visiting. It was a blast.

1 comment:

Line said...

I swear I'm missing out on all the fun... I love how you guys take up more than half of the canoe, lol. And I love Malachi and Kingston's faces, especially next to yours and Sioana's smiling faces. Lol!