Sunday, July 4, 2010

2 x 2

So it's been 2 weeks with our 2 boys and this is how we're doing so far.

Malachi has been superb!  Super helpful, very soft, and just adores his brother.

Tui has been amazing, totally taking care of Malachi (and Mummy) so that I can just focus on baby Vili.  He's been a husband, father, cook, cleaner, student, you name it, he does it.  I have been blown away at how much he was able to step up and take over everything.

Vili is such a cute little ball of squish.  To some parents he might not be the most ideal child, but I'm learning that it's all about perspective.  Here's what I mean.
- he's a snacker, no full meals, he wants to eat every hour, every half hour some times, so I am constantly nursing him.  The upside?  All that nursing means lots of calorie burning - when I went in to be induced I weighed 208lbs (disgusting, I know).  After 2 weeks, despite a c-section, I now weigh 173lbs.  No exercising, just straight nursing.  It's the new weight watchers, I'm telling you!  So I really don't mind feeding him all the time.
- Viliami hates his bed.  He'll sleep for like 30 minutes in it, and that's it.  So I've been keeping him in our bed at night.  Lots of people are against it, say it's dangerous or that we're setting ourselves up coz he'll want to sleep there forever now.  But the upside is, when he's in our bed, he sleeps the whole night, and I mean the WHOLE night.  I have to wake him up for feeds, which I do lying down while I fall back to sleep.  So I've been getting 8 solid hours sleep a night.  That is a DEFINATE upside.

It's been hard not being able to pick Malachi up, or do things that I usually would do, like laundry etc, but Tui's made it so easy for me, all I do is enjoy my boys.  I am so in love with all 3 of them.  It's amazing how you think you love someone 100%, but then some how you find that you love them more.  I love Tui and malachi more now that Vili is here.  It's the best.  I love being a Mum.  Love love love it.

Let's hope I still feel that way after Tui goes back to work and I actually have to do it on my own.....


Haley said...

Congrats Sarah! Your boys are adorable. Maybe I should start forcing Reid to eat more! I lost 20 quick and have been struggling since!

Crystal & Brandon said...

what a cute cute family! congrats on your new baby he is precious!!!!

Brooke said...

ummm LAUNDRY? I seem to remember only ever seeing TUI in the laundry room doing it!!!! hahaha LOVE THE UPDATED FAMILY PHOTOS!!!!

Unknown said...

We (the loblees) have decided to keep calling "him" until we meet him in person.

SiOaNa :) said...

LOL @ Vili being a snacker. I guess I'm a snacker too...ha ha. Gosh Sarah, you were 208lbs when you gave birth? I'm almost 220lbs now and I still have close to two month to That's great. I wish I could hold the boys right now. Miss you guys.

Troy, Tami, Linken and Pierson said...

Sorry I'm a little behind but CONGRATS on your new little one! What a great family! I'm glad to hear that you and Viliami are doing well :)