Thursday, July 8, 2010

3 years ago

I was skinnier.....

I  had dark hair....

I could spend all of my money on me and not feel guilty.....

My life was mostly about me.....

And then this happened.....


And it all changed.

I had to share my bed, my space, my money, my life, everything.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

3 years ago my ME life ended and our US life began.

3 years doesn't sound very long, but it feels really long, in a good way.  I know that there used to be a time when Tui wasn't part of my life, but its hard to remember it.  It hasn't always been easy (coz lets face it, I'm not always easy to live with), but some how we've made it all work.  Tui's such a great husband, he says yes just enough to keep me happy, and says no just enough to keep us all sane (and not broke).  I remembering hearing Sister Hinckley talk about how she loved her husband because he let her fly.  That's how I feel.  I always knew I had big wings and Tui gives me the space and freedom and support I need to flap those big ol' wings. 
He's not perfect, but he's perfect for me. 

3 years down, eternity to go.....
.....heaven help us all..... :)



Unknown said...

Lol at the " I had big wings". Yes Tui must be a patient man :) Congratulations guys. Old guys.

Line said...

Lol cute post... And happy anniversary. I wouldn't change anything about my life now either except I'd like to go back to being skinny like I was before the hus and kids came along. :)

SiOaNa :) said...

Tui is definitely his father's son when it comes to being very patient...ha ha.

Joseph and Lianna Quillen said...

happy anniversary!! and, hooray for baby vili. and yep, husbands make it possible to do it all, even if that means you make them do most of it =D

LANEA said...

I've always and still look up to you as a really good role model for me Brundots :) And of course you r still there telling me that the stupid things I do is in fact stupid :)