Thursday, September 1, 2011

T minus 1 week

So after I found my motiavtion again, and got all super pumped to do this, I found out I'd torn a ligament and I've been out of commission for the last 3 weeks.  No running.  None.
What are the odds right?
Is the world trying to tell me something?
This week, with one week to go, I've been given the ok to run up to whole 5km......considering I'm gunna need to do more then 4 times that in a week, it's pretty pathetic.
But I'm still going to do it. My goal now is just to do it, and to finish.  I'm going to ignore the physio guy and run the first 10km and walk the rest.  It's pretty disapointing, but I'm determined more then ever just to do it.
T-Minus 1 week.


Line said...

That really sucks about your injury but I think you're awesome for sticking to your plan to do the marathon. whether you walk run or skip, you're awesome for doing it!

Leisa Tapia said...

I'm so sorry about your injury!!!
You go girl!
I'm signing up for a few runs to try and push myself to DO IT!!!!
Thanks for being so inspiring! I love ya!