Saturday, October 1, 2011

Guinea Pig #2

So Rugrat, sadly, was dog-napped a few weeks ago. (It was so annoying, the same dog came back 5 different time during the night, I got up and chased it away 4 times, on the 5th time I was too tired and the blasted thing flipped the cage and in the morning we found fluff all over the grass.)  Malachi was pretty sad.  And so this weekend we went and got another one.  Only cost $12, I can live with that. 

Introducing "Cookie".


He's cute.  A little insane though, I'm wondering if it's a petshop thing, coz he'll like litterally run around in circles sometimes.  But the boys love him.  Vili even asked to hold him the other day, which he's never done before.  Malachi makes sure that he's ok every time he's outside, sits and talks to him.  It's so sweet.


(Malachi had his facepainted at the petshop. He ALWAYS asks to be a tiger, he's never been anything else, although this is the worst tiger i've ever seen.)
Let's hope he lasts longer then the last one....


Unknown said...

"Fluff all over the grass". Saddest thing ever.

Moran Family said...

I had a guines pig when I was younger. Went to school and Rene and Dalin had played with it (as in playing catch) and they dropped it and killed it. Got another one and the dog next door ate it along with my rabbit. Never got another. Guinea pig deaths can be so tragic! Your one looks very cute!Hope this one gets to die of old age and I hope that theiving dog choked on your last pet!