Friday, April 6, 2012

Model Trains

So down the road from us the Hamilton Miniture Engineers club.  Basicly it's train obsessed people who build these miniture trains and take people for rides on this miniture track that they've built.  Unfortunately they only run of Sundays, so we've never actually been.  Until now. (No, I didn't break the sabath for the sake of a train ride).  Twice a year they have an open day on a SATURDAY.  Yey!!! It was so awesome.  These things are like ligitimate trains, only smaller.  One of the guys I talked to, who had a steam train, said it had cost him about $100, 000 to build.  My sons who love Thomas the Tank Engine, loved that the train blew steam, that we had to stop and get coal, and that we had to stop to switch the points (Malachi even asked the driver "are we switching the points?" and the guy was over the moon that Malachi knew what that was).  There were petrol and electric trains there too, but the steam trains were by far the coolest.  I'm only sad that I ran out of coins and we couldn't ride more.  We'll just have to wait for the next open day.

Vili and his ticket, that he carried around for days afterwards.



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