Sunday, May 13, 2012

The waiting game

So our little darling was due May 9th. 
That was last week.
Been and gone.
Which I am totally OK with, because I planned on her being late.  Her brothers were both late, and I needed the extra few days to get stuff organised.
Then on Sunday morning I woke up at 4am with contractions. 4 days late, totally doable.  We went out walking, contractions got stronger and closer together, about 2 mins apart.  We got all set, ready to go to the hospital.
And then it stopped.
Just stopped.
Midwife came and checked (I was hoping she'd say I was like 6cm dialated and that she would break my waters to get this party started).  And baby is still so far up she couldn't even check to see how dialated I was.  Hasn't even started coming into the pelvis yet.
All of that for nothing.
My whole Mother's day was spend in labor, not eating my breakfast in bed and chocolates because I didn't wanna throw it up while I was in labor.  And turns out she's just playing games with me.
Baby has been posterior the whole time, so I knew that labor wouldn't be as straight forward as I'd hoped.  But this was not what I'd expected.
And now it's Monday night and I've had nothing since.  It's as if yesterday didn't even happen. 
So frustrating!
And so we wait.
And wait.
And wait.
When ever you're ready baby girl........


D&J Savaiinaea said...

Sorry Sarah! Get her G-ma to give her a stern talking to. My mum did it for baby Joe and he came the next day! Good luck!!

Christina said...

I'm sorry that really sucks. My kids were 10 days late so I now how annoying it can be. Have you tried the 'natural' induction methods? Sex, prune juice, birthing tea, lemon rubina (i swear by this one!!) etc? Good luck!