Friday, August 17, 2012

Westpac Helicoptor

As part of my "job", we get to go on all these really cool outings that they organise.  Today it was one my boys have been looking forward to for weeks, visiting the Rescue Helicoptor.  Poor Malachi woke up with a fever and a tummy bug and couldn't go, he was so sad.  So it was just me and Vili.  They got to sit inside it, which was awesome. The pilot was there and talked about how he flies in the sky to the people that are hurt and brings them back to the hospital.  Vili just listened to him in awe. They had obviously done this before because they had it all figured out - give the kids a sticker, let them sit inside and take a photo, shake hands with the pilot, give them a helicoptor toy, and done. 


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Hopefully this is the only time he ever needs to be in one of these.  But for a 2 year old boy, this was better then Christmas morning.

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