Wednesday, October 17, 2012

General Conference Oct 2012

So for those of you not in the loop, twice a year our church holds a world wide conference of all it's members where we get the chance to listen to our leaders speak to us on topics they feel inspired to present about.  It's also a chance for those not of our faith to hear a little bit about what our church is really about (there is soooooooooooo much negative, incorrect information passed around about 'The Mormons').  But mostly for me I feel like it's an opportunity for me to have my spirit renewed, to refocus on what's really important, and to hear a Prophet of God speak.  I always come away feeling like they've written their talks specifically for me, almost like they know exactly what I'm going through, what my weaknesses are, what I need to hear (well, they don't, but the Lord does and he gives them a few hints I suspect).  I loved everything that I heard, but there were a few things that really stood out to me this conference that I wanted to share.

- Quentin L Cook spoke about how the world today is NOT a culture of righteousness, and that if we don't feel close to our Father in Heaven, it's because we have moved, not him.  To regain that closeness, we need to emerse ourselves in the scriptures.  He said that the way we treat those closest to us is of vital importance, no matter how we were raised.  And he said that it may not be "cool" to be God fearing people, but it's still the right thing to do.

- Ann M Dibb made the statement "I'm a Mormon.  I know it, I live it, and I love it".  For me this was a challenge to put my money where my mouth is.  I am so incredibley grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a Mormon, and I should never be ashamed to tell people, to talk about what I believe in.  She said "Are we as devoted to our religion as we are of our careers, interests, sports, texts and tweets?" So true!  For something so important as my faith, am I dedicating enough of my time to it?

-Dieter F Uchcoft talked about living without regrets, spending the time with our families that they deserve, developing real relationships instead of just ''clicking'', and becoming the person that God intended me to be.  He said we need to devote ourselves to the pursuit of holiness and happiness, that external circumstances don't determine our happiness, WE DO, and that "it's not a race, it's a journey, so enjoy the moment".

-L. Tom Perry said we need to make 'home' and 'family' something to write home about; that we need to create stronger family ties by praying for help to love, understand and guide our children, by praying and reading the scriptures as a family, by organizing our families, and teaching by example which means I can't just tell my children to be kind, I have to show my children how to be kind.

-M Russel Ballard encouraged us to serve others more.  He said that "service is the very definition of religion" and posed the question "what would be the cumulative effect of millions of small acts of service and kindness on the world?"

-Linda K Burton went right along with that and she said that we are surrounded by those who need our kindness, and that when we are serving others, we become the saviors hands.

And President Monson summed it all up beautifully by saying that if we would step back, consider our blessings, we would find greater happiness in our lives.  He said that the Lord is in all our lives, and that he WANTS to bless us.  If only we were more aware of how he blesses us.

Ok, so that's alot. Lol.  But it really was just all so good!! My testimony was strengthened so much, to know that God really is aware of us and our every little need, and I'm so grateful for a living Prophet and Apostles who are here to receive the revelation from the Lord that I so desperately NEED in my life.  If anyone missed out on watching it, go here and watch it, you will not be sorry. :)

1 comment:

Natalie Wong said...

Sounds like awesome teaching :) lol kind of reminds me of some of the stuff Ive been learning lately :)