Sunday, December 16, 2012

1/2 a year

I have so much blogging to catch up on, but the most important of it all is that MY BABY GIRL IS 6 MONTHS OLD!!!  She's such an old lady now, and she's changed so much in the last month or so.


She has started sitting up on her own. It was funny coz it had never occured to me to even try sitting her up until I saw her cousin who's a month older sitting and I thought, huh, maybe I should try Lani, and sure enough, she could do it, I was just holding her back.  She loves it coz she can see so much more of what's going on around her then when she's lying down.

She can roll both ways like a pro now, but only ever once each way, no continuous rolling.


She can rotate 360 degrees, and is super fast, so I'll put her down, turn for a second and when I turn back she's facing another way and it almost gives me a fright. Lol.  She's also started shuffling backwards.  She pushes up with her arms like a push up and just shoves herself back until she gets stuck under the couch or up against something, and then we turn her around and she pushes back the other way.  I'm convinced she'll crawl before Christmas.\


She has said "mum mum" once, something that sounded like "brother"  twice, and says "da da" all the time.  It's actually really cute, we have these little conversations that go like this.

"Say muma"
"da da da"
"no say MUMA"
"da da da da"


She also says "ra" "ga" and "ba".  And she growls. All the time, low and long, like a wild animal. It's so funny.  And if you growl at her, she'll growl back. lol.

We started her on solids at about 5 months, but it seems like everything we try to give her she either hates and refuses (such as pumkin, apple, kumera) or else she loves it but it makes her severely constipated (banana, rice cereal).  It's so frustrating.  Because she's not getting full from food, she has to get it from me, which means we're back to waking up every 2 hours because shes so hungry.  She still won't take a bottle which means I can't even give her formula.  The ONLY 2 foods we've found she likes are canned pears and avocados.  I'm hoping it's just an age thing.  She is happy to hold stuff in her hand to suck on, like melon etc, but she doesn't actually EAT much of it so it isn't much help. Sigh.



She is super ticklish and, still has tons of rolls, her hair is growing, she likes to bang things, she makes fart noises all the time, her eyes light up when she sees her brothers, she gets shy if someone talks to her and snuggles into me, she loves listening to the Polkadots, she laughs if we clap, we call her our 'Lady Baby', and pretty much she's awesome.


Unknown said...

She's so cute!

Natalie Wong said...

Aw shes so cute and squishy.You are such a great mum Sarah :)