Friday, June 5, 2009

Malachi's 1st Birthday (Party 1)

Our little boy turned one. It's kind of sad that baby Malachi is gone for good, but big boy Malachi is so much fun to have. We had a little birthday party for him on Saturday here in TVA with our friends and neighbors that have watched this little boy from from a bump in my tummy to the rascal he is today. He slept for the majority of the party, which is my fault for having it during his nap time. We were really grateful for everyone that came and helped out. We love you guys!!

Here are some pictures of the day, taken by of course the lovely Leeyen.

Happy happy Tonga Karess - we love Karess!

Something must have been funny, right Joe?

Michelle, sporting a new little baby pooch.

Ashley, the best nursery leader in the world, signing the card.

The Lautaha ladies leading the way.

Paula, the supervisor.

Cheif cook Huni.
The sister in laws, in-law-in-laws, and me :)

He wore a Ta'uvala and sulu that I made for him right at the beginning, but he was tired and hungry and hot and so he wasn't very happy. But he looked cute.

His cake was decorate by his favourite Aunty Brookie (sorry to all his other Aunty's out there, but she really is his favourite!) He didn't know how to blow out the candles but he enjoyed picking the m&m's off and licking the icing (frosting).

Leeyen, aka the Tahitain Martha Stewart, made this cute piniata for the kids to play with. Mana thought it was hilarious, and Malachi prefered hitting everyone else with the stick, but it was alot of fun.

Our good friend Vaughn Bowels is a wizz whe it comes to balloons and he was kind enough to come and make some fun things for the kids. Malachi got a sword and a hat with antena's, he made flowers, money's on coconut tress, unicorns, dogs, you name it. Quite the talent.

Leeyen and the purple unicorn, of course.

Presents and his card.

All in all it was a pretty fantastical day. Hope you enjoyed it son, daddy says it was your first and your last.


Ashleigh said...

Happy Birthday Malachi.
Thanks for putting us Lautaha ladies on blaaaast, Sarah. So off. Lol.

Samuel + Brooke said...

that was the best party ever!!!!! i think i need to get "the favorite aunty award" you malachi

Line said...

The food was great. Too bad I can't say I was sporting a baby pooch. That's a much better excuse than I'm just fat. :) The pix look great, too.

Rachael Aitu said...

oh my gosh, Malachi is SO SO cute!! Congrats on your first year little man...lots of kisses from Akata & Auntie! We miss you guys!!

Unknown said...

that was a good party. who took these pictures? they're REALLY nice quality. we miss you guys. (tui does too, but don't tell him i told you!)