Thursday, August 27, 2009

A good read

So a while back i went to a women's conference put on at BYUH by Barbara Barrington Jones - an LDS motivational speaker. I really enjoyed the conference and the things she had to say at the fireside and so when she offered a copy of her book for free, i signed up. It arrived a couple of weeks ago and I've been reading it and wanted to share my thought about it.

First of all, every women should read this book. It's about the 12 gifts that Heavenly Father has given to women, that women usually don't give to themselves; Joy, humor, trust, self-worth, miracles etc. She uses examples from her horrible life and the lives of others she's met while touring the world. And boy, after reading this book, i feel like I'm worth so much more and i can do so much more and that I've got things so good and i just need to be grateful.

Some of my favourite quotes from the book are:

"Use your trials to be better, not bitter"

"Discipline is doing what you do not want to do in order to accomplish what you want to accomplish."

"Gratitude truly gifts the giver"

But this is my favourite

"Happiness doesn't just happen. too many people spend their lives planning and hoping an dreaming about how wonderful their life would be if only...We say well be happy when we lose thirty pounds or pay off our credit card debt. we act as if our happiness depends on other people, on fate, or on circumstances beyond our control. As a result, we fail to see how wonderful our lives are right now-today. When you continually look to the future for your happiness, you guarantee you'll never be happy....Wherever you are, be there."

I just love that!! And I'm usually not the sort of person who writes blog posts about books. But i really felt that she had so much to say that women today really need to hear. So if you're looking for a good read, a pick me up, read this book!! Or give it to your mothers for Christmas. If you wanna borrow my copy and you live in laie, you're more then welcome. This book is definitely worth it!


Josh, Hayley, and Baby Channing said...

Thank you for such an awesome post! I am inspired to pick up the book and read it. I too received it after the conference and I have not taken the time to read it.

Unknown said...

I'm in Laie!!!

Sibbett_Ohana said...

I need to read this!!! Thanks for sharing!!

Ashleigh said...

i wanna borrow!!!

S.N.D said...

I wanna borrow too..or do you think they have this over at the Bookstore?

Me said...

Totally loved it! Awesome book