Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Update on life

So this post is more for us and our record keeping. But this is a quick update on our life.

- We recently moved apartments and now have 2 bedrooms which means....Malachi sleeps in his own room!!!
- This has also meant that for the first time in his life, my son sleeps through the night, 7-7, and we love it!
- Malachi is now 26lbs, 36 inches tall, so he's a bit of a bean pole. He is finally growing some teeth, 6 at the moment and another 2 coming through.
- Malachi's vocab is expanding by the minute, he loves words that have an 'S' in them - shoes, seat, yes, spoon, stop, this, etc. He likes to yell, "MUMMA!!!!!" at the top of his lungs to get my attention. His signing has been so helpful. He now combines signs, for example, he'll do the signs for more, drink, and bottle, meaning he wants more bottle. Or he'll do eat and apple. Clever kid.
- Tui is half way through first term and recently changed his major from accounting to Business with an emphasis in corporate finance. He is taking a swimming class.....Michael Phelps, watch out.....
- Moving apartments meant moving wards and I have been called to serve in the primary as their secretary. Should be a new adventure.
- We have started a 'love box' - basicly a bucket list of all the things we want to do together before leaving hawaii. Every week at FHE we pull something out of the box and that's what we do for date night/day/morning that week. This week it's snorkling at Shark's Cove. More to come on that.
- In order to facilitate the love box, we started a date night trade off with our good friends the Houghtons, we babysit for them one week while they go on a date, they babysit for us the next etc. That way we each have a free babysitter every second week. So far so good.
- Hurricane season has started. This past week we've had our first scare with Felicia, turned out to be nothing. But it did prompt us to update and improve our 72hr kit. We're so ready....

We still love being here in hawaii, even more so now that Malachi is old enough to reallly enjoy the outdoors. I guess it's our home now (4 years later....). We're just living love and loving life!


Moran Family said...

I heard about Felicia and was thinking of you all. We have a long Hurricane season here (June-Nov) but it seems if it is busy in the Pacific then the Atlantic will be quiet, so a scare for you meant a breather for us!

D&J Savaiinaea said...

YES!! I am so glad to hear that they called you as my primary secretary! I can't wait to get back and start working with you!!!

Haley said...

I might have to still the bucket list idea. I am glad you are enjoying your two bedroom apt! I am a bit envious :) but we do get free rent, so I can't complain.

Joseph Quillen said...

Primary! how fun! glad to hear you have your 72 hr kit.. now you can be on the alive side of the room in Peter's disaster game =) That;s a cool idea with the bucketlist too!

Jason and Michelle Ellsworth said...

congrats on your new calling. you'll be great! Although we definitely miss you guys in our ward!
and I think I might steal your idea about the 'love box' thats brilliant!--especially since our days here in Hawaii are growing shorter and shorter.