Sunday, August 23, 2009

Help please!

Ok, so I'm really really bad at dropping electronics. Camera's, phones, you name it, i'll drop it. Some how i've been lucky enough to have had phones and cameras made of steal or something because nothing ever breaks.

Until now....

The other day while getting out of the car, Tui dropped the camera, his first time, and it broke. Go figure (it may have just been the final straw on the camel's back but for now we'll just blame him). Which means that I finally have an excuse (and some guilt to play on) to up grade and get a better camera.

I really really really love photography, it intrigues me, how they do it, what you can do, the possibilities, the ability to capture a single moment forever, you get the drift. I'm inspired by the billions of people around me who take pictures. So i wanna learn.

Problem is, i really dont know what i'm looking for or what i should be looking for. I want something that i can use to take some photography classes, a good beginners camera. Not looking to spend more then $300-$400 (hey, we're students guys).

So any suggestions are very very welcome. Pros, cons etc.


PS. That also means so photos for a while.


Amanda and Levin Gunter said...

you should talk to shanae jones she's just getting into photography too. she lives in E bldg I think. There are heaps of other people too. I hope you find out some good stuff. I'm pretty sure you'll want to buy an SLR camera either Nikon or Cannon. That doesn't help you too much cause there are a bagillion lens options. I wish my camera would break too so I could buy a nice one ;)

Anonymous said...

I can totally help you out here :) Well if you don't mind what brand to start out with you should totally go with a Nikon D40, if you buy a used one you can get it on Amazon for about $360 and they are durable!!! I started out with one and am still using it. It takes amazing pictures and is fast!!! If you want just a normal point and shoot you can get a Kodak EasyShare M1063 10.3 MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Zoom from Walmart. These babies take amazing pictures just like Dslr's!! If you want I can also teach ya how to take pics, well me or LeeYen :) I'll be more than happy to help. Okay good luck in making your decisions..

Joseph and Lianna Quillen said...

You can get quite a nice point-and-shoot camera for 300 to 400, top of the line probably. You won't get any professional SLR cameras, but you can still get a really nice one. I'll snoop around and see what I can find

Unknown said...

I should have Siope drop OUR camera so we could get another one, too! Or better yet, I'll come by your place and give it to Tui to drop. Maybe from your balcony. Hahaha.

I don't know how to take pictures, but of the ones I've seen, the better ones have come from Canons and Kodaks. I only have a point-&-shoot, but I'm not using Nikon anymore.

Anonymous said...

yeah Nikon point and shoots are not that great but Kodaks are better than the Canon point and shoots. But DSLR (professional kind) wise Nikon and Canon are awesome. You should try the Kodak 10 mega pixel one. You won't be disappointed.