Thursday, May 20, 2010

Baby # 2

So, a little update on baby # 2.  He's been head down, nice and low for the last 7 weeks.  My midwife (who I love to death by the way, so much more relaxed and personal, I LOVE IT!) said if this was my first baby she would have put me on bedrest because of how low he was, she was worried I could blow any time.  However, on Wednesday at my 37 week appointment we discovered that the baby was no longer head down, he was now transverse (lying sideways).  The problem is that little Malachi streched things out so much that this baby has so much more extra space to float around in.  So then we set up an ultrasound for Friday.  Thursday he flipped back down and things were looking good, but then today, he's breach (but down, legs up in the air by his head).  Next week I'll be going to an OB who'll try to flip him so that I can avoid the chance of a C-section, my worst fear.

In the mean time, we got to get some pictures of the little dude.  It's so cool here in NZ, they don't print you out any pictures, but they put them all on a cd for you so you can take them home, email them, blog them, it's great.  According to the scan he'sweighing about 6lbs already.  I'm trying to keep him in single didgits, but who knows.  We could be in for another 10 lber. 
So here's a little look at the little trouble maker.

Little big foot.

Side profile of his face, little hand coming up to suck his thumb.

This one's looking straight on, you can see his Tongan nose and fatty lips.  He looks like his daddy.


Christina said...

Aren't midwives awesome?!

Have you tried spending time on your hand and knees or lifting your pelvis with a pillow for 10 minutes at a time? It worked for my first son. If they say you'll need a c-section consider trying Moxibustion first- anything to save a major surgery!

Good luck!

Ashleigh said...

Aww, hoping that he flips and you don't have to have a c-section. I'm going in for a checkup next week, and hoping baby is in place!

Stephanie Vogel said...

Midwives rock! Can't wait to see the lil boy! Good luck, I hope he straightens up in there!

Line said...

I wouldn't wish a c-section on anyone, so I hope he flips too. My baby flipped at 38 wks (breached) and I couldn't believe he could still move so late in the game, but I never thought about how it's probably because my uterus was so stretched out already.

Anyway, hope you have a safe and FAST labor and delivery! And hope he's not late! (Wasn't Malachi late?)

Joseph Quillen said...

We are SO excited for you!