Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Chicken Pox

It was inevitable.  We'd been around about 7 different kids who had it.  Malachi has been vaccinated for it.  And so lucky Vili was the winner!  To be honest, he's the last person I would have wished to have it.  He's a firecracker as it is, but add into that being hot and itchy, not cool.  The spots showed up Tuesday afternoon (it was kinda freaky, I saw them coming up before my very eyes), and today is Sunday and they've almost all scabbed over. Whew!!! He did pretty well, other then being grumpy (which some DVD's and junk food took care of), he was only itchy for about 36hours, during which he slept a total of 4 hours and cried almost all of the other 32.  We tried to remedy it with long drives and a visit to the beach (next post), which worked quite well.  And we made an effort to make the Chicken Pox really really cool, telling him "Whooooaaa, Vili has chicken pox!!! Awesome Vili!! Look at all your cool spots!!!"  My kids already think that freckles are fantastic, so I guess having chicken pox was just an extension of that.

We used a combination of natural and not so natural remedies, I couldn't say what did and didn't work.  All I know is that they're going away.  I tried really hard to count them all, and my rough count was 175, about 40 of which were in his hair.  Those were probably the itchiest.  And he only scratch one, the first one that came up, so we shouldn't have any scarring. And he was really lucky that he only had a few on his forehead, which his hair covered, and one by his mouth.  So if you looked at him, it didn't look like he had chickenpox.


 In the ''yellow bath'' to help soothe the itching.

We think that Lani got some too, coz there have been a few random spots on her, but nothing major.  So we'll just have to wait and see I guess.


Natalie Wong said...

He had them bad! Poor kid :(

SiOaNa :) said...

Aaaaaaw poor thing :(