Saturday, September 22, 2012

Lani @ 4 months

Our little beast of a baby.  She is by far the chubbiest bub we've had.  I love all her squishies and rolly polly bits.  She now weighs 15lbs, which is about the same as her brothers, but she's shorter so it's all condensed.  She's an interesting sleeper, she wants to be in bed at 6pm every night, will then wake at either 10pm or midnight (never 11pm), and then sleep til 3am, and then wake at 5am and 6am.  During the day she usually takes one big nap (2+hrs in the morning) and then 2 little naps later on.  She's becoming soo much more vocal, squealing and blowing raspberries, growling (especially when she's tired).  She's so ticklish, and loves you giving her tons and tons of kisses.  She's holding on to stuff now, toys etc, all of which come straight up to her mouth.  She can get her thumb into her mouth pretty consistently, and when she wakes up from her naps she usually spends the next 20minutes lying in her bed sucking her hand until her entire sleeve and neck are soaked in dribble. I remember writing in Malachi's journal when he was 4 months that this is my favourite age for babies, and it still is.  She's smilie and happy and cuddley, but still stays in one place when I put her down.
She looooves her some bath time. She kicks and splashes and sucks the water off her hands. Photobucket
She found her ear. Poor ear.

Crazy baby.

Play time is fun time.

Having loves with Malachi (he looks weird, but she looks cute) Photobucket

Checking herself out in the mirror - what is with that tounge girlfriend???! Photobucket

Pretty baby off to church

She loves tummy time with the mirror.
Bundled up for a day at the park with her brothers.

I love this little girl.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness She's adorable

SiOaNa :) said...

Aaaaaaaahhhh I wanna squeeze her...hahaha :)