Saturday, November 15, 2008

Grandma's Visit

Grandma Brunton has come and gone. She was only here for 3 very very short days on her way back to New Zealand. My parents have been living in Alabama for the last 3 years while my dad manages a project for the Airforce. The project should have finished by now but of course it's not and probably wont be until next march-ish. Unfortunately mum has a job she needs to start so is moving home without dad. Sad for them, but it meant that i got to see mum again. I really am a sook for my family, it kills me being so far away from them all, espeically with babies being born. I wish that malachi could be close to his aunty's and uncles and cousins and especially his grandparents. Needless to say, Mum's visit was a win-win situation, she got to see her grandson and i got to see her. I think me and my mum have become better friends since i've left home. She truely has become one of my best friends. It will be so sad not being able to ring her everyday. Thank goodness for emails.
All the photos we took are on her new camera (that im sooooo jealous of) so i will update when she emails me them, but for now, this is the last photo we took as we dropped her off at the airport, just before i started bawling.

We miss you grandma!!!!


Anonymous said...

aw Malachi you so lucky to see your Grandma! Sarah, I know how you feel about being away from family and wanting your baby to grow up close to relatives. I think it just makes us appreciate our families more.

Ashleigh said...

aw. so cute malachi and his grandma. grandmas are the best :)
and i feel you on the missing mom thing. my parents are in new zealand and i'm SUCH a sook about it too. boohoo.