Saturday, November 29, 2008


Well thanksgiving has come and gone. Although we're not Americans (actually, Malachi is, but we're trying hard not to remember that) we really enjoy this holiday. Tui loves any excuse to eat alot of food. And I love the message it brings - to appreciate what you have, to take a step back and realise how good life is, and make sure those around you know how grateful you are for them. We made a Tafuna Family Thankfulness Tree and listed all the things we were thankful for. At first it seemed like I'd made too many leaves, but once we got started it was amazing how many things we have to be thankful for, and we actually needed more leaves.

This year we took it easy and only went to 2 thanksgiving meals, the first at Tui's Aunty Salote's house (shrimp, muscles, ham, taro) and then a traditional meal at the Houghstons. We've been to the houghtons every year for thanksgiving since they moved here 3 years ago. They're done a great job bringing us 'legal-aliens' up to speed with the American holidays and traditions.

We then enjoyed the day after thanksgiving, 'black Friday' (named that because every store has mega super ultra sales, like everything more then 50% off, starting at like 3am while it's still black outside), at the beach with our neighbors. We ate, swam, played games, and then went to the movies to watch Madagasca 2 - THE BEST MOVIE IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD!!! It was so funny, I'm still laughing just thinking about it. We also had a lovely long nap. I love naps.

All in all it was a great holiday, with my 3 favourite F's - Food, Family and Friends!

Happy Thanksgiving y'all!!!

1 comment:

Vaina and Kaumana said...

Hello Hello Hello!
Happy Belated THanksgiving! And Merry early Christmas! hahaha.
Miss you guys. I loved the "blueberry more" story. So Funny! We saw Lianna and Jo over here last week. They reminded me of our TVA life, so sad how much I miss it and miss my cool neighbors.
Well, kisses to Malachi for me. love you guys!
P.S: thanks for advertising my photography business.