Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Christmas Story...sort of....

On Christmas Eve Eve we, with some fellow TVAians, put on a grand production of the Nativity story. For not practicing it went.....terribly. No one knew the songs, or their parts, or where to go, or why Joseph went underneath the stable.....But it was so much fun.!! We were the wise people, due to us being the only family of 3 present, and mobile members. So we made crowns, which Malachi and Tui refused to take off for the rest of the night. There was a really cool donkey (that closely resembled my bike), and the best baaaaing sheep you've ever seen.

The wisest of the wisemen.

Mary, Joseph and the baby she-Jesus.

Some wondering sheep.

The Angel and the Star.

Malachi bonded with the loudest of the sheep.

The wisepeople

The whole cast, minus the photographer and narrator, Marcus

We ate afterwards which is always good. It was nice to spend some time with our family away from home - our friends!

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