Sunday, December 6, 2009

The real story

Last night I watched this movie for the first time. And I was really impressed with it. Not that it was fantatic acting or anything like that. But more I was really impressed with the insight it gave to the Nativity Story, the real Nativity story. I had always thought about Mary and Joseph and their experiences in becoming the parents of Christ as kind of light hearted. An angel came, told them he'd be Jesus, they went to Bethlahem, gave birth, the end. But this movie really illustrated the real life situation. She was young, not married, and she was pregnant. She could very well have been stoned to death for it. TO DEATH. For being the mother of the Savior. She dishonored herself, her family, no one would talk to her, everyone looked at her like trash, it was tough. And Joseph, he could have chosen not to marry her. But he did, and because of it, lost his good name, was frowned upon, lost his friends. Life wasn't as easy as maybe I'd thought. Even today, someone in the church getting pregnant is a big deal. But imagine it 2000 years ago when it was against the law. And their journey to Bethlehem, it was a really long way! No smooth paved roads, through sand storms in deserts, over mountains, it was winter time. And she had to sit on a donkey, for days, 9 months pregnant!! That's insane. And then to give birth in a barn.

I'm really grateful for this movie and for putting the story into real life, social context. What amazing people Mary and Joseph were. For all they went through to bring the Savior into this world. It makes Christmas take on a whole new light, and makes the birth of Christ that much more special.

Watch the movie.


LANEA said...

Seriously! Sometimes I think it's so hard to walk out to the mailbox with no slippers on because "it's so hot". Conveniences we definitely take for granted these days!

LANEA said...
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Abi said...

Sarah, you are so awesome and I just love you. I'm useless at keeping up to date with my blog but I just love reading yours, I always come away uplifted/entertained.
So happy to hear about you guys having another baby (maybe the baby dust we blew your way helped a little bit? :-) ) And I meant to comment earlier to tell you not to worry - you could still be having a boy. Just because you've been extra sick doesn't mean it's a girl. I'm having a boy this time and I was sicker than I was with Arieli. And two of my friends had such bad morning sickness they were both hospitalised for dehydration - and both with boys! So there's hope for you yet ;-) I hope you and your lovely family are doing well and that you have a wonderful Christmas.
Lots of love from Abi xxx

Unknown said...

Hmm... I can't view it. As in its not showing/playing.