Thursday, August 26, 2010

2 Months old

It never ceases to amaze me how much time flies when you have children.  It's like after they're born your life is on fast forward and if you're not careful it'll just all zoom by without you realising.

And although it's cliche I'm going to say it - I can't believe Viliami is 2 months old already!!

He's definately getting bigger, weighs about 15lbs now, and most of it is fat and rolls which I LOVE!  Malachi was and still is a skinny baby.  Vili is a chunky monkey and I just wanna eat him up.

He is a smiling machine.  If he's awake he wants to smile.  And talk.  Talk to himself, to his brother, his grandma, the wall.  He coo's and gaa's all day long.  And this week he's started getting ticklish and laughing too.  Love it!

Malachi just adores his brother.  We spend most of the day telling him "Ok Malachi, that's enough hugs while he's asleep."  He no longer runs in to see me in the morning, instead its "Mummy where's bra-yah?"  He has made it so easy to be a mother of 2.  Not at all the nightmare I imagined it to be.  He's pretty self-maintained and that leaves me alot of time to snuggle and cuddle my little chubs.

Before I know it he'll be crawling, walking, talking and I'll wish I had my baby back.  So now I'm just enjoying being able to hold him all day.  What a blessing it is to be a stay at home Mum.  I know it's a personal choice, but I can't imagine having to leave him and only see him a few hours a day.  I wouldn't trade my job for the world!


LANEA said...

Malachi is a little man now! And your little bubba is so big!

Ally and Moema said...

He is so cute! And you are beautiful!

My Thriving Journey... said...

So... today was the first day I went on my blog in... I don't know how long and I'm so impressed with how much you blog! I only read this one, but your little one is a cutie! I just went back to work this past week... rough!

SiOaNa :) said...

I love you too Viliami :)