Monday, August 16, 2010

Poor sickies

So up until I gave birth to Malachi, I had never been to hospital.  I never really got sick (except the occasional fainting episode here and there), never broken any bones, I'm usually a pretty standard healthy, no fuss person.


This pregnancy with Vili seemed to be the beginning of the end.  There was all his complications, then the c-section that required me to be a pill popper and have to take it easy to recover from the ordeal.  Then, when he was about 4 weeks old, I got mastitis, which then developed into an abscess (a horrific thing I wouldn't wish on anyone).  So I spent a few days in an out of the ER room and then finally I was admitted to hospital and after 3 days had surgery to remove it (they told me it was the size of a lemon, yikes), leaving me with a gaping wound.  This wound has had to be dressed daily by a nurse (which, at first, hurt worse then labor, no lies.), so even while on our vacation I've been visiting hospitals, clinics, and district nurses.  Then, while away, I picked up this nasty flu that's had me in bed most of the last week.  Then 2 nights ago I must have rubbed by eye wrong and I've scratched my eye, like my eyeball, so it's hard to see out of that eye.  Then last night I popped something in my back and it hurts like no other.

It's like my body is suddenly making up a lifetime of healthiness with a year of sickliness.  It's horrible.

And to make it all worse....

Poor little Vili had terrible conjunctivitis for the first 3 weeks.  Then he developed colic which continues to plague him from 6-9pm.  He's had a yeast nappy rash for the past 2 weeks, which has now turned into oral thrush, making nursing a nightmare.  AND he's picked up the flu from myself and Malachi so he's clogged up and can't breathe through his nose which means he doesn't sleep and can't eat properly.

We're just a bunch of sickies.

You don't realise how important health is until you don't have it.  You just take for granted that you feel fine and you're healthy and can do normal things.  Because of the abscess I couldn't shower for 2 weeks and had to do sponge baths, LAME!  So I'm determined that once all this yuckiness passes I will have a new found appreciation for health.

But for now, I'll just feel sorry for myself.


Christina said...

Holy Moly you've had a rough go of it! Trush/yeast in the baby is super common when you've had to take antibiotics. Have you tried canesten? It's usually clears it up pretty quickly.

I hope you're all feeling better soon!

Unknown said...

Ok. Of course I'm all grossed out by now, but I still laughed at the very precise 6-9pm. How so not random. But yes, I hope you all start feeling better!!!