Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Baby no more

(I thought I posted this 2 weeks ago, turns out I didn't.)

This week it happened.  That dreaded day.  When my baby is a baby no more.  Ok, he's already not a baby today, but now its official.  So bare with me as I reminise and blab about my little sausage.

It's amazing to me how different Vili has been from his brother from day 1.  Personalities are definately built in.  Vili is adventurous and daring and rough.  This kid climbs on everything and anything, knows how to push a chair to where he wants to climb up - Malachi still doesn't know how to do this! He has had more falls and bangs in 1 year then Malachi has had in 3.  And if you tell Vili "Be soft" he thinks you mean "scratch me more, pinch me harder, and then run away".  He's a little clown - does anything he can to make you laugh, and once he's figured out you think something is funny, he does it over, and over, and over, and over, again, (like spinning in a circle until he's dizzy and bumping on to his but on the ground), always checking to make sure you're still laughing.  He's an early bird like his brother, if he sleeps past 7 I worry that he's dead.  But unlike his brother, Vili is such a Mumma's boy.  He's growing out of it, slowly, but in general, if I'm around, I'm who he wants to be with.  He'll stand next to me and heave himself upwards, almost jumping, and making an  "uh uh uh" sound.  If I'm far away he'll look at me, tilt his head to the side making double chins and motion with his fingers for me to come.  He is terrified of cats, hates going to my sisters house because of her cats.  When we're there he SCREAMS if I put him down on the ground.  However, if he sees a dog, he gets super excited - he just loooooooves dogs!!  Vili is a book worm like no other.  Usually when a kid is too quiet you know they're up to something, pulling out wipes, drawing on the wall etc.  Not him, if he's quiet I know 100% of the time that he's snuck into Malachi's room and he's on the ground surrounded by books.  Doesn't really like me reading them to him, he mostly just wants to read them to himself.  He's obsessed with putting clothes on his head and around his neck and walking around the house, which causes crashes. Any chance he gets he pulls his socks off so I've started putting little woolen tights on him instead, yes, girls tights, don't worry, I bought blue ones, and they work like a charm. Vili can say - muma, dada, ma (malachi), baya (brother, which is super cute coz that's what malachi used to say to my stomach when I was pregnant with Vili), nana (num nums, food, drink), osi (finished), yes, na (no), dis (this), dat (that), doh (dog), he makes this awesome duck noise, he fake burps.  He does the sign for more, finished, thank you, please,apple, banana, cracker, sandwhich, drink (they're all food related, what a surprise, little hungas.).  He does peek a boo whenever I'm trying to growl him.  He loves helping to clean up and put things away, just like his brother (hurray!!!!).  If you're lying on the ground he runs to body slam you.  He gives the biggest, sloppiest kisses ever.  He talks and squeals all day long, there is never a quiet moment in our house unless Vili's asleep, and even then he snores. He thinks that everything is a phone, remotes, calculators, toys, rulers, and he walks around the house yabbering on it.  And if he sees the real phone and I don't give it to him, boy oh boy get ready for tantrums.  And man does this kid know how to throw tantrums!! He drops to the floor, throws himself down and cries, looking up to make sure I'm watching, and if I'm not, he'll stand up and throw himself down again.  He loves to dance.  He has a set routine; he'll jig up and down a few times, then spin in a circle, and then sway side to side.  And then repeat.  It's so cute.  He has such a strong personality, so full of energy and life.  He makes me smile every minute he's awake.  I feel like with Vili I've had to give more of myself, be more available, more patient, and I'm glad.  Anyone who knows Malachi knows he's pretty easy breezey, and Vili is alot higher maintainance.  But oh how I love that boy.  Man oh man do I love that little boy of mine.  He has me wrapped around his finger and I'm OK with it.

Ok whoa, that's long.  But even though all these things seem so insignificant right now, but they are what makes up Vili the 1 year old.  And I don't ever want to forget it.





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