Sunday, July 10, 2011

A day in the life of Malachi

I went to pick up Malachi early last week so I could take some pictures of him hard at work.  Which didn't turn out so well coz I was a huge distraction, to ALL the kids.  I felt bad for the teachers that no one was listening coz they were all too busy saying "Malachi, there's your Mummy!!!"  But here's a little taste of what Malachi does at school.

This is where I found him when I got there - eating.  No surprises there.  The kids help to prepare the morning and afternoon tea, and then they serve themselves whenever they feel hungry, have as much as they want, take as long as they want (which for my son is alot and along time), then they put away their own plates etc and back to work.


For most of the day the children are chosing different learning activities to do, all self directed.  They choose what to do, they pick a spot, and can do it for as long or as little as they like.  When they're done, they put it back again.  I guess that's kind of a big thing with the Montessori way, the children are their own bosses, responsible for themselves. 

Here Malachi is doing an activity with the wood.  They're differnet textures and shapes, and as he gets older he will learn to name the different parts of the tree etc.  For now he uses them to build.



This one teaches about size and volume and order.  Once he's figured it out a little more he'll learn to do it while he's blindfolded.



Then when he's all done he rolls up his mat and puts it away.



They also have some guinea pigs that Malachi has taken a strong liking too.  He likes feeding them grass.


At the beginning and end of each day they have mat time.  The older kids bring things from home and the other kids ask them questions about it, like why do you like it, where did you get it etc.  And then they sing songs etc. 




And it wouldn't be fair to leave out Malachi's favourite part of school - his best friend Isabella.  I was so worried about him being alone, not having any friiends.  Then one day he told me about his "....happy smiley friend with a purple coat who shares her smiles with me....".  I found out her name so that Malachi would stop calling her "hey girl!".  They are joined at the hip at school.  She's so sweet.


It makes me feel so much better to know that he's happy and thriving at school.  He asks every day if it's a school day. I really hope its setting him up to just love learning. For now at least he's having fun.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Man...a little young for a gf don't you think? doesn't sound like school to me. The food, the decide what you wanna do, etc... I wish my school was more like that :) That's awesome cause hopefully it encourages them to be independent learners ;)