Saturday, November 5, 2011

Guy Fawkes

So when I actually had to explain to Tui what Guy Fawkes day is for, its a little odd.  Most people don't even know what it's all about which is probably a good thing.  But let me just say it's the day we have our fireworks, what americans do on July 4th, we do November 5th.

This year we went to the Huntly speedway to "celebrate" it.  First was the stock cars, which I haven't been to since I was like 16. (It's basicly a bunch of different types of cars that race around, smash each other out of the way, and are just so freakin cool.)  It was AWESOME! Our boys had the best time, didn't mind the noise or the dirt or the smell.  It was like watching the Car movie in real life!!

Malachi refused to sit with us. He wanted to sit on the very front row. Throughout the night he moved closer and closer until he was finally sitting up by the fence.


Vili spent the whole time pointing at the cars and saying "ar! ar! ar!"


And once it got dark they did a fireworks display.  Probably the best we've ever seen. (Maybe one of the new years in Waikiki was better.....maybe...).  They had the biggest fireworks money can buy.  It was totally worth the money spent.  Of course pictures don't ever do this sort of thing justice, but let me just say, they were so big, the whole display line probably would have taken up 4 or 5 frames.  It was massive.




Seems like we've found ourselves another family tradition!!! (And if this baby is a girl she better learn quick smart to appreciate cars.)

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