Sunday, September 1, 2013

3 little Monkeys

Sometimes I wish I could clone my children, and then freeze them in time, so that I could always have a 5 year old Malachi, and a 3 year old Vili, and a 14 month old Lani, so that I wouldn't ever forget their little personalities at each age and stage.
But since that's out of the question, I'll have to stick with blogging.

--  Malachi --
- super compliant - 95% of the time, he just does what he's told, hassle free.
- has the memory of an elephant, he remembers EVERYTHING
- loves hugs and cuddles and snuggles, almost to the point that he breeches personal boundaries lol
- is an amazing reader - he can now read verses in the scriptures fluidly (except the hard words)
- he's a bit silly, which concerns me (and his teacher) and just loves to laugh
- loves riding his bike, swimming, playing basketball and rugby, and running
- recently discovered 'selfies' and takes them any chance he gets
- loves to learn.  This kid has brains and knows how to use them.

-- Vili --
- thrives on procedure-he is constantly pointing out the steps to a task and is thorough in making sure he completes them
- has started saying prayers unaided
- loves jumping on the trampoline
- tells me daily that he's my best friend, and also that he will NEVER be my friend
- plays with cars the way girls play with dolls - there's a mummy car and a daddy car and a baby car and they talk to teach other and play and go to sleep etc
- polices the rules where ever he is, and corrects people accordingly


-- Lani --
-Vocab growing daily - currently she can say mummy, daddy, dama (grandma), dad dad (grandad), jessie, yani (lani), vili, brother, spider, dog, up, down, car, dain (train), gone, more, peez (please), danks (thanks), dan tu (thank you), no, yip, don't, baby, puppy, moon, star, light, boom boom (trampoline), shhhhh, tum (come), tacka (cracker), tootie (cookie), nana or nani (banana), bar (muesli bar), apple, yummy, nose, eyes, ears, mouf (mouth), yey, wow, and probably a ton more that I can't remember
- despite her vast vocab, she's way quieter then her brother ever were at this age and barely ever speaks
- is a dare devil, climbs up, on around, under through EVERYTHING
-is slightly OCD and obsessed with shutting doors and drawers.  She literally walks behind me closing everything I open
- loves bananas, sandwiches and raisins
-has started pouting and saying "humphhhh" just like Vili


Some days as a SATM are hard, really hard.  They can be tiring and stressful and frustrating, and sometimes I can be a really sucky Mummy.  But the majority of the time, life with my 3 children is amazing and happy and exciting and joyous and funny.
And I am grateful everyday to have such sweet little people in my life.
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