Wednesday, April 8, 2009

PACT fun

For the last couple of months Malachi has been part of PACT - parent and child together, a program kind of like plunket for those at home. Basicly, some one comes to see us once a week, plays with malachi, observes, checks malachi's development and progress, makes sure we're not starving. It's for low income families, which of course, we are!! They also do, every two weeks, socialisation activities where all the kids in the program come together and play and then eat lunch together. We've never been because either I was sick or malachi was sick or we were busy. But today malachi went to his first one and he had a blast!!

Little fireman in his engine. It even had a walkie talkie thing. Very cool.

He used a golf ball rolled in different coloured paint to make an easter egg. It was his first time with any sort of paint or arty things. Of course it went all over him, me, the table, and everything he touched for the next 10 minutes. But it's his first piece of art work!!!

There was a water tray that he used to soak all the kids within a 10 meter radius.

Reading a book with Mummy.

There were a ton of cool toys that we don't have, and other little kids to torment. Malachi is very rough with little kids, he just gets so excited about them that he goes crazy hitting their heads and grabbing them really tightly. But he's getting better and being in these sorts of situations will help him.....hopefully....


Samuel + Brooke said...

awww cute!!! next time you should warn the other kids about malachi..they probly didnt know what hit them! hahaha i luv him!!!

Unknown said...

I doubt he'll (Malachi) ever need to be socially deprived! You're his Mom afterall :)