Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Like most parents, I have been struggling with the life long battle of sleep. Never ever ever get enough due to our bundle of noise...i mean joy...... A couple of months back we worked really hard to get Malachi to fall asleep on his own and i posted about the process. He did really well and we were at a good place. And then he started teething and it all went out the window. It seems like every time we start getting good at it, he gets sick or something happens and it all goes to the dogs.

Then my cousin (bless your soul Juliet!!) recommended this book, 'The Sleepeasy solution' and it is AMAZING!! It's the same general idea as other books and methods, that they need to fall asleep on their own, usually by crying. But this book deals with the emotions of the whole process, coz let's face it, no one likes to hear their baby crying out for you.
But this book has been so good, my child, who used to fight naps until he was so exhaughsted he couldn't sleep, now, you put him in his bed, day or night, he makes noises for 30 seconds or so and then bam, asleep. :)

So for all you parents out there struggling with this, get the book. It's worth the $15 you spend on it!!!!


Anonymous said...

I hear you!

Stopher and Nicolle said...

does this work for adults?

Da Denninghoff's said...

So did you have to let him cry it out? How long did he cry for? What age do you start doing that? I always feared doing that. It's so hard for me, I start crying myself. I'll check the book out:)Love your family picture on the top by the way. Who took the picture?

Amanda and Levin Gunter said...

yippee I'm so glad to hear the battle is over! Even in a TVA one bedroom congrats!