Saturday, June 19, 2010

FINAL Update

After all the appointments on Friday, scans, more scans, assessments, 2nd opinions etc, this is the result - tomorrow morning at 7.45am I will be induced.  Not your regular induction though.  On Friday when we went for a scan, baby was head down nice and low, midwife was happy, then the OB walked past and asked if she could have a look.  So in the couple of minutes it took her to get all set up, baby had flipped and become breech - he's a mover!!  He's what they call an unstable lie, and he's like the dictionary definition of it!!  So tomorrow morning they will try to do an External Vertex, which means they'll prod around from the outside and try to flip him head down.  If they can do that then they'll break my waters to make sure he stays down, and as long as contractions start, I should be able to carry on from there drug free and normal as planned.  If contractions don't start they will give me something to get them started.  There is a possibility that during the External Vertex baby could decide he doesn't like it and get stressed, which would mean a speedy C-section.  If they can't turn him, this will also mean a C-section.  I know that if I was back in Hawaii, they would have given me a C-section a loooooooooong time ago, so I'm grateful to be home where they're willing to try other options to avoid a C-section, which is my goal.  I'm really really grateful for that.

So come hell or high water, drugs or c-section, tomorrow we will have baby # 2 out and in this world.  It's been a long time coming and tomorrow could not come fast enough.

Watch this space......


Ashleigh said...

I just can't resist --- AMERICA
HATER! hahaha

That being said, I also must say I'm really glad that you are being taken care of so well. Hope all goes well, we love you guys!

SiOaNa :) said...

I 2nd you Ashleigh.....LOL.

SiOaNa :) said...
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SiOaNa :) said...

Yeah if you were still in Hawaii they probably would have induced you a week or two ago...and that might not have been a bad thing. As much as we all want to avoid a C-section, we also want what's best for the baby.

And I'm pretty sure Doctors over here would not have mistaken a baby's face for a

Anderson Family said...

I hope you and the baby are doing good, I am excited to see and hear about you new little one.