Friday, June 11, 2010

Malachi turns 2

I cannot believe that my little baby boy is two years old.  Where has the time gone?  Didn't I just give birth like last year to him?  I'm amazed at how quickly the time has gone by, and yet, I can't remember what my life was like before him, like he's always been there.  I feel like I've blinked and suddenly my squishy tub is a walking, talking, highly opinionated toddler.  Crazy.

Malachi shares with birthday with my Mum, and in order to be fair to her, we had his birthday a few days before, so that they could each have their own moment of glory.  Nothing big like last year (whew!!), we just had our family that was here, and a family from our ward that Malachi is friends with in nursery.  Made a cake, had a BBQ (that my Dad cooked in the pouring rain by the way - thanks Dad!!), just hung out at home, where it's warm.  He got some cute presents, his favourites being the ones with wheels of course.  It was just a really nice family day.

Then on his real birthday we gave him a special breakfast (he wanted choc-chip pancakes) and left the rest of the day for Grandma.  We made her a cake, decorated for her party, and celebrated the wonderful woman that she is.

I was mostly grateful that I didn't go into labor and give birth on June 1st again.  That would be terrible.

Happy Birthday little boy.  We love you more then words can express and you are just the best little thing in our lives.  We survived the first 2 years, here's hoping the next 2 are just as much fun.


Jason and Michelle Ellsworth said...

No way, I cant believe its already been a year since his first birthday! Happy Birthday Malachi!
And Sarah, you look great! good luck with this next little guy! Hopefully he comes soon!

Line said...

Happy birthay Malachi!

That train cake is SO cute!

Unknown said...

Cute cake, did you make it?! Happy Bday to Malachi--you're right, he's not a baby anymore, and just in time for his brother to come and claim that title. =)