Friday, October 29, 2010

4 months of chub

I realised that I used to blog about Malachi like every day when he was little, and when Vili's older he'll rebel and become goth coz I never blog about him. 
Sorry son.

Little man's made 4 months.
I know everyone says it and it's totally cliche, but man has the time flown by!!!

He is DESPERATELY trying to roll over, has been for a month or so.  His legs are over, but his fatty boomba body is holding him back.  It's cute to see him strain though.  And he wants to sit up so bad, every time he's lying down, he's heaving himself forward.  He's dangerous.  I'm waiting every day to hear him come crashing down off something.

Trying so hard to roll.
Rice cereal is a big hit, twice a day, he loves it, even though his face tells another story.

I just love this one. Makes me laugh.

He's such a happy little dude.  All the time.  It makes all the night stuff (we won't even talk about that.....) totally worth it.  To see that rolly polly smiley face, melts me beyond belief.  He thinks its hilarious if you sneeze or hiccup, loves peek-a-boo, and home boy is as ticklish as his Daddy.  And if he's not asleep or feeding, he has his hands in his mouth. All. Day. Long.

He's watching Malachi be silly in this one; you can just see the love in his eyes!

He has a love affair with the king and queen on his play saucer - when he sees them he smiles and talks up a storm.

My boys.

 We went for a walk down by the river and he fell asleep in his carrier, sucking his thumb. Cute!

But the best thing in his life is his brother - these two are buds for life.  No one can get smiles or laughs out of Vili like Malachi can.  They love each other to death, play all day, watch each other all day.  It's a beautiful thing to see.

 My little man.  Oh how I love him.  I remember feeling this way with Malachi, that I can't imagine how I ever lived without him before.  Because, in the words of Dr Evil, "...he completes me...."


Unknown said...

Awww he's so cute. But...where in the world is his hair???

S.N.D said...

So precious.Love all of the pictures especially the pictures of the brothers.Awww you make it sounds so easy to have 2 kids.Way to go girl!

Anna K. said...

Oh my goodness he is sooooooo so cute!

Line said...

Love the chubs! They're the best lol. And I love seeing my boys play and love each other too. Like little Vili, Finau is most happy when his big bro is around. It's such a heart-warming thing to see. :)

kuaback said...

he's so gorgeous..and so are you mommma...your boys are growin too fast..