Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hawkes Bay - Day 2

Day 2 started off with a visit to the Napier Aquatics Center (because Splash Planet was closed.....grrrr....and we were already in our togs.)  It was what it was.  Malachi got to go on a hydroslide for the first time.  And so did baby Hannah.

Little Miss Hannah chilling in the spa pool.

Malachi was so busy going on the slides and running and jumping, this was the only picture I managed to get of him.

Vili just loves the water.

The bachelors.

Malachi and Hannah, little buddies.

After the pool we went and ate lunch by a little river.

And then, after nap time, we went to the Arataki Bee and Honey Center.  They showed you how bees live and make honey, there was honey to taste, it was fun.

The boys watching a very intense movie about bees.....

There were literally millions of bees.

My little buzzy bee boy

Check out that little honey.

Honey testing (I didn't know there were different kinds of honey, I thought it was just honey.  But there must have been about 20 different kinds of honey to try, and they all tasted really different - you learn something new every day!)

Little scientist checking out the bees in their hives.

Mad scientist.

They also sold a bunch of products there with honey etc in them.  Some of the products were a little, well, interesting....

I guess they sell stuff to make your skin darker so why  not make it lighter?  Goodness knows who would want to be whiter but hey, every man for himself.

It was such a fun day.  The weather was fantastic.  We're all going to move to the Hawkes Bay to live our lives in the sun.  And it was so nice to be with our family.  Not everyone was there, but it was still so much fun.

1 comment:

Josh, Hayley, and Baby Channing said...

Fun fun fun!! Your boys are getting SO big I cannot believe it!! Beautiful family!