Monday, February 14, 2011


I'm still amazed all the time at how different these two boys are, in every way.  Malachi teething = grumpy, fever, no sleep.  Vili teething = oh hey, look, he's got teeth! When did those come in??


Two bottom ones in about a month ago (I know, I'm so late, but better late then never is my new motto!). Two side ones and two top ones peeking through. Malachi got his first two at about 11 months, and none more til about 14 months. So, so, different.


SiOaNa :) said...

So so different from my Matt who had all his teeth by ten months. LOL. My little man. Hahaha. Kanani on the other hand, she's been drooling like crazy since 2 months and is now almost 6 months, still drooling but no teeth. So so different :)

Line said...

love that pic of vili. funny because i feel like my boys are so alike, yet so different.