Friday, February 25, 2011

Little dudes

Seen as "SOMEONE" no longer uses facebook, I need to be better about updating the blog, especially posts on the boys.

These little dudes are just a joy.  I love being their mother.  I hope every mother feels the way I do about my sons.  I'm so proud of Malachi.  He's so grown up, so helpful, so responsible, so intuitive.  He's always worried about how people are feeling, what makes us happy and sad.  He picks things up like a sponge, which worries and excites me. His vocab and comprehension astounds me. I cannot believe he was my baby a few short years ago.


I bought Malachi this little vacuum for $3 - best investment everrrrr!! Every morning after he cleans his room he vacuums it to.  And any time theres a mess somewhere he quickly volunteers "I can clean it!!!"

He puts himself to sleep now, reads books to himself.  And this is often what I find when I come to check on him - him asleep under a book.

I've been teaching him how to write his name.  So far he's got M's and T's on lock down.

Cool dude.

Grandad got him some Cars stickers for his wall and Aunty Amy gave him some letters for his room.

I've been teaching Malachi how to swim.  No more floating stuff.  He is doing amazingly well.  He can hold his breath under water for a good 5 seconds, and can pick up toys from the bottom of the pool.

Vili is a bundle of happy.  Always smiling and laughing, even if just at himself.  Wants to be part of everything, wants to watch everything and everyone.  Gives me kisses, waves hi and bye, claps when he's happy or if he hears music, eats like a Tongan, explores everywhere his little army drag will take him (i've given up hoping he'll crawl properly).  He's so dangerous, so fearless, so different to how his brother was at this age.


He is so much more clingy then Malachi (who has always just gone to anyone without so much as blinking), but I love our snuggly time.

He's started the "I wanna feed myself" stage = messy boy

Under the table, looking for scraps probably.


Happy little boy, he always has a smile on his face. 

Waving to Mummy.

The two of them together is how I imagine the celestial kingdom to be like, just utter, pure delight when they see each other, nothing but love and desire to be happy together.  They're so fun.  I want a million more kids just like them (ok not a million, maybe just 4 or 5 more?).

Checking out our new sleeping bags for our 72hr kits.

Playing in their cardboard box house.

In the man pad.


Bedtime stories on the couch.

Oh how I love these boys.  It makes me sad that Tui's family isn't around to watch them grow up.  His Mum would just love them to death.  Thank goodness for photos and video.  It allows us to share little bits of our boys with those who wish they were with them.  And who wouldn't want to be with them.  Just look at those big brown eyes...



Unknown said...

Aww they are growing so fast!!! I see that the waving is either 1. a family thing or 2. a tongan thing. Haha.

SiOaNa :) said...

I know "someone" loves this post. LOL. Man they're so big. And I can definitely see their personalities in these pics. If there is one thing these two have in common though, it's the messy eating. Hahahahaha. I LOVE THEM :)

Roxanibus said...

I LOVE all your pictures! the boys are so cute! blog more!