Sunday, June 24, 2012

Little Lani

(Written 2 weeks ago.)
This girl is such a sweetheart (except for the screaming at me when she's hungry, which is pretty much every second she's awake).  She's 3 weeks old now, which is insane, but at the same time, it feels like she's always been with us.  The boys just adoooooooooooooore her, and she loooooooooooves watching them play.  I'm pretty sure Malachi is her favourite person.  She will sit and look at him and listen to him singing to her or reading her books or telling her stories about his cars for ages, longer then she's entertained by me that's for sure.  She is a tummy sleeper, just like Malachi was, but only in the day.  At night she wants to sleep on her back or side.  (Hey, whatever works!)  She already takes a bottle, halelujah.  And just like both her brothers, no spit up, ever, double halelujah!!  She makes the funniest faces, gives us the stink eye all the time, and makes an ooooooo shape with her mouth just like her Daddy did as a baby.  I think she looks the most like Tui out of the 3 of them.  Most people say its the other way round and she looks the most like me.  Her hair is darker then the boys was, and her eyes are lighter.  She's a champ feeder, a real Tongan.  And last week she weighed 9lb 6oz, Vili's birth weight.  She's still got a while to go before she reaches Malachi's birth weight.  Maybe by 7 or 8 weeks I reckon.  Her cheeks are losing their chub which makes me sad.  But she's so precious, I just love her to pieces.
Having 3 kids hasn't turned out to be so hard. (Touch wood.)  Going from 1 to 2 was a struggle, I didn't go out on my own with them til Vili was about 5 months old.  But this time it doesn't feel like such a big deal.  (That's probably due to the fact that Malachi is such a big help and takes care of himself and Vili so really I'm just looking after Lani.)  I don't feel as tired as the last 2 times.  But I feel way fatter and getting dressed the worst part of my day.  But she was worth it, and I'd do it all over 2+ years. :)

Her first bath. She loved it, little water baby.
Photobucket Photobucket

Loves with her brothers.




Her ooooooo face.

A full tummy = a happy, sleepy baby.

Gorgeous hat made by aunty Amy.


Pretty dress from Aunty Nana and headband made by Aunty jessie - such a spoilt girl!


Reading books with malachi


Blue steele


#3 failed attempt at a photo shoot of our beautiful little girl


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