Sunday, June 24, 2012


Little Vili is now officially a 2 year old.
Happy Birthday Vili!! 
He told me he wanted "a fishy party" so I made him a fish cake and we had a fish n chips lunch with his cousins.  It was so fun.  I'm so glad our kids have cousins living close enough to be their friends.
Birthday pancakes
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The fishy cake - I have to give props to Tui for the rainbow scales, it took you forever but it meant that I didn't have to do it, so thanks!



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He wanted a scooter, just like Malachi.

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Vili is such a little character.  He wants to be Mr Independant, every other sentance is "No Mummy! Vili do it!!", and if we ever limit his independence, the world ends in a giant ball of tears and screaming.  He climbs and touches and yells and explores and jumps all day long.  As parents we've had to re-evaluate our parenting techniques, because Malachi was just never like that.  He didn't put his toast in his milk, or rub glitter glue all over his face, or jump off the table, or pull all the DVD's out of their cases.  But Vili does.  And I'm sure I'd go insane at him, except for the fact that he's so sweet and loving and cuddly and cheeky and funny to me.  He reminds me so much of my youngest brother.  A little love monkey who just oozes with warm fuzzie, who turns into the devil when things don't go to plan. Bi-polar almost.  (If my brothers were reading this they'd say "Just like his Mum".lol.)  He's a clever little kid, he has a thing for puzzles, especially matching ones.  And although he never sings along at prayers or FHE or in nursery, I hear him singing word for word 'I am a Child of God' and 'Follow the Prophet' and a ton of other songs when he's by himself.  About 2 months ago, he suddenly started counting to 20 on his own (him and Malachi were playing hide and seek and usually he would say "1, 2, here I come!" but this time he started counting and just didn't stop til he got to 20).  He speaks in 5-6 word sentances, and will copy anything you say, well, attempt it anyway.  He knows all his colors and shapes (his favourite color is yellow and his favourite shape is an oval....don't ask me why....). He loooooooooooves fruit, and he can often be found climbing onto the table to get something from the fruit bowl.  He feeds himself with a fork better then Malachi does, and is learning to use a knife (I guess he sees us doing it and wants in).  We discovered last year that he had an intolerance for lactose, makes him produce too much mucus which means he has a constant runny nose when we give him milk or cheese etc, which means he drinks soy milk instead.  He's on a waiting list to have his adnoids removed, which I'm looking forward too so he doesn't snore any more, and it'll mean he can actually breathe through his nose.  He also is seeing a specialist next month because he was born with a lazy eye which we think is affecting his vision.  Poor kid.  Vili is an early bird if ever I saw one.  And when I say early, I means EARLY.  If he sleeps past 6am, that's a blessing.  It's terrible and we have tried everything from growling him to bribing him, to toys in his bed, to him being in our bed, but nothing get him to stay in bed and stay asleep.   And once Vili's awake, the rest of the house is awake. (He enjoys using his outside voice much more then his inside voice....).  Vili is already a master of manipulation, if I say no when he asks for something, he just walks right over to Daddy and asks him.  And he'll keep going between adults until he gets what he wants from someone.  Cheeky kid.  But oh how we love him.  He will act out so bad, then come and say sorry, give you a big ol' snuggle, and then make a silly face at you until you laugh.  That's Vili is a nutshell.  And we wouldn't change him (except for maybe turning his volume down, keeping him in bed longer in the mornings and removing the word "no" from his vocab :). )

I love you honey. Oxo


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