Monday, June 11, 2012


So while we were in Auckland dropping Grandma Mele off at the airport (tear!) we went to MOTAT (museum of transport and technology).  Got a vouchure to get in free, saving us $65, yey!  It required a full day, and all we could offer was 3 hours.  But the boys loved every minute we were there.  The place was huge and we barely scratched the surface.  It was so big there was a tram that ran between exhibitions, which we spent most of our time on, rode it 4 times.  There was an aeroplane section which stunned and amazed them; they ran around (literally) saying "Whoa!! Whoa!! Whoa!!!", and a classic car section that recieved an equal amount of enthusiasim, especially the old firetruck.  And then there a ton of science museumy type stuff that was a little over their heads really but they still enjoyed mucking around with.  Tui and Malachi went in this space ship simulation that looked really fun (I stayed outside with the under 4's who weren't allowed - luckily Malachi had just turned 4!!).  Lani slept the entire time, good girl.  And the boys had a blast.  I would totally reccomend going there, if you have boys.

Lani slept through her first road trip - what a good girl!


And the boys sang the whole way there.

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The tram that took up most of our time. Vili held on to his little ticket for days afterwards.


Vili is obsessed with anything yellow, so he was thrilled to find a yellow plane!




By far their favourite part.




Such a fun day!

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