Sunday, July 15, 2012

2 fine days

This week we had these two, very out of season, warm(er), fine days, and after a week of rain, and all 3 kids being sick, we were DETERMINED to spend every minute of them out of the house.  The boys rode bikes and played tennis, Tui cleaned the car, I started running again (more on that later), Lani soaked up some rays (on her face, while bundled tightly).  And we went on a few outings.

The first was to Bridal Veil Falls, near Raglan.  This was partly chosen because it was a loooong drive getting there (aka, all 3 kids (and Mummy) took naps there and back).  It was so good for kids, because you get there, and you only have to walk horizontally for 5 minutes to see the falls.  Then you can choose to walk vertically for a better view; the more stairs you climbed the better the view.  We opted for just the middle view, not the bottom one, as we were not prepared for that many stairs.  Next time we will syke ourselves up and go the whole way down.  But the boys thought that the waterfall was "soooooooo cooooooooooool". Vili wanted to touch the water, and Malachi wanted to know how waterfalls were made. Typical. Vili wants the action, Malachi wants the knowledge.  And just as we got to where we could take a good picture AND there were other people there who could take the battery died.  Boo.



What would we do without self-timers?

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The next day we visited the Lake Karapiro Dam.  And Malachi wanted to know all about what a Dam was and how they made it and how it works.  I love that he wants to know stuff, that he asks questions.  It makes me realise how much I don't know.  And then we have fun together finding out the answers.  We took a picnic this time and just sat and enjoyed the sunshine.  And of course, Vili wanted to touch the water.

At the top of the dam.



The weather was so amazing, the water looked like blue marble.

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Winter time + a new baby = me feeling like I'm trapped in my house sometimes.  So it's so nice to get out and do stuff, stuff outside of these 4 walls. :)

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