Sunday, July 8, 2012

"Happy America Day!"

I was asked a number of times while living in the states "Do you guys celebrate Indepence day?" (You mean do we, in New Zealand, celebrate the day American became an independant state......??).  Obviously the answer is no.  Not usually.
In an effort to keep Malachi in touch with his American heritage we decided we would.  And so every July 5th (that's the day it's July 4th in the states) we celebrate Independence day.   We eat what I consider to be typical American foods - hot dogs, corn on the cob, apple pie (homemade btw, my first ever, which I was extremely proud of), lemonade and root beer.  We ate on a picnic mat to make it feel more authentic. We even did fireworks this year, to keep in the spirit of things. This is the first  year Malachi had any idea of what was going on.  And he was most excited to tell everyone "Happy American Day!!"  He invited his cousins to come and celebrate the day with him.






Super excited to watch the fireworks.


This was the first time Vili was brave enough to hold a sparkler on his own.

Happy Independence Day y'all!!!

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