Sunday, July 22, 2012

Lani is 2 months

2 whole months has gone by since our little girl was born.  And what an adventure it's been.  Getting used to having 3 kids hasn't exactly been hard to do, it's just taken time to adjust, re-figure out our routine and roles.  But oh how we love this little girl.  She is in the smiley stage, flashing big grins to us all day long. And I loooooooooove it!  She knows the sound of our voices, and looks around the room until she focus' on us.  She's started talking a little, although it's more like growling and gurgling.  And she's started getting ticklish too, although no laughing yet (except in her sleep).  She is forever poking out her tounge, and has started to drool a bit, which is new for me, never had a drooler before.  Vili gets very concerned when she dribbles, says she's dirty and yucky, and rushes to get a tissue and wipe her mouth. She gets called Lani, nani, lani-banani, and buty (beauty pronouced oddly) baby.  She loves to lie on the ground and just watch, although it's not always safe for her when her overly-loving brothers are around.  She enjoys being read to, by me or the boys.  She has the most beautiful brown eyes that I just get lost in, they're goreous.  She's still retained her chubs for now, which I'm pleased about, and sometimes I heat up the room, make it nice and toasty, and then strip her down to her nappy, so I can give her cuddles and enjoy her rolly polliness.  Lani looooooooves having her nappy off.  If she's upset, especially when I need to be doing something with the boys, I just take her nappy off, put her on the ground and she is set for the next half an hour.  She also likes watching TV,which is terrible, I know, but very hand for when I need to have a shower in the morning.  She was taking a bottle, and a dummy, but then one day just decided she wanted neither, and we haven't had much luck since then.  Malachi did the same, with the bottle, but eventually took it again, so I'll keep perservering.  But she's already going 3 hours between feeds (and absolute record in this family, with brothers who couldn't even go 2 hours to save their lives), and she's napping well in her bed now, so it means I've been able to go out and leave her with Tui, even took the boys on a few Mummy-Son dates.  She hates the carseat with a passion, which makes short distance traveling a nightmare.  It's gotten so bad that we've started taking her to a ciropractor to see if they can help her (More on that in another post). She's such a sweet little thing, and oddly enough, I can't wait for her to start talking and to hear her little girly voice.
sleepy beauty
story time with malachi
my 3 little munchkins, very interested in vegietales
"playing" cars with Vili
Vili wanted to take Lani for a ride, so she's inside the washing basket, and he pulled her around the house. lol

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cuddles with daddy     -      Ready for church with Mummy

fatty grins

seriously, these two boys adore her


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chewing on her hand       -    this girl has some serious eyebrown action going on

Don't you just wanna kiss those cheeks?

1 comment:

Natalie Wong said...

She is the cutest little girl!