Wednesday, July 18, 2012

You do run, run run....

So last week I ran for the first time in 10 months.  And I ran a whole 1km.  Which seems ridiculous considering I ran a half marathon less then a year ago.  But I found out I was pregnant the day after the race, got sick a day later, and was sick for the next 3 months, during which time my fitness level (and mental strength) plummeted back down to ground level, so when I was finally well enough to run again, I was so out of shape I didn't want to.  So here I am starting from scratch again.  Mentally and physically.  It amazes me how quickly you lose it all.  I'm finding that I have to mentally prepare myself to run 2 or 3 km - that's pathetic, because I KNOW I can do it, but it's just a matter or working back up to it I suppose.  My goal is to run the Rotorua Half Marathon next April (it's one of the only ones in NZ that are NOT on a Sunday). 
But in the mean time, me and Tui are going to run in an 8km school fundraiser next month.  I'm so excited for him to be doing it with me, having someone to do it with makes it so much easier to get motivated for. We took a jogging class together the semester before we got married (to get into tip top shape before the big day), and its like that all over again.  And thanks to my sister's husband's father, we have a treadmill in our garage that we have been taking turns getting our run on.  So watch this space for an update on that glorious event.

And here's to getting in shape!


Brian & Lisa said...

I need to start exercising! will you be my mentor? haha

Line said...

I once heard that the fitness you develop over months can be lost in two weeks of not working out. Ridiculous! One of things I'm looking forward to most post-pregnancy is WANTING to work out again because right now, I have no such desire. Anyway, good luck with the races!