Wednesday, June 26, 2013

10 Months Old

(I am determined to finish this before she is 11 months old, so I have 5 days. Fingers crossed.)
(Failed! She's now 1.)
This girl is so funny, it is impossible to feel mad or upset at anyone for anything when she's around.


She is a dancing machine, and will now, on command, shake her mui (her behind), and do a shakey head.  Any time she hears music or a beat, she IMMEDIATELY starts to groove.  If she's crawling along and she hears a beat, she's on her bum fast as anything and jigging away.

She is a speedy crawler, and she's figured out that she's alot faster on hands and feet, so if she needs to boost it, to get away from Mummy or to make a break for an open door, she is up on those feet and she's away.  She loves being chased, she squeals and turns around to check that you're still chasing her, its so cute.

She's still a fairly quiet child, we can go an hour or more without hearing a peep from her, but then (in the words of my sister) when she's around her brothers she comes alive; squealing and sqwarking.  It's very, very rare to see her cry.  Infact as I sit here typing I'm trying to think when the last time was that she cried and I can't think of it.  She's just so content.

In terms of food, she is a beast.  She honestly would just eat and eat if we let her.  She sits in her high chair while I'm making dinner and eats snacks, then she eats dinner with us, probably the same amount as Vili, and then she stays in her highchair while I'm doing the dishes, and continues eating left overs.  My sister wants to rewrite the hungry little caterpillar book about her ("First she ate 1 mandarin, but she was still hungry.  Next she ate 2 crackers, but she was still hungry.  Then she ate 3 sandwiches, but she was still hungry...").  And if she sees you eating, she gets CRAZY for it and goes psyco if she doesn't get it.  Hungas little girl.

Lani has turned into a little book worm like her brothers.  We bought her a rug for her room, put all the baby books on a little shelf, and she has never spent more time in her room ever.  She is constantly in there pouring through her books, and her brothers join her.  It makes my heart leap a little bit.

I have been doing baby sign with Lani for the last 2 months, and in the last few weeks she has finally started signing back.  She can sign for more, banana, cracker, osi (finished), inu (drink) and sandwich.

Lani is just so sweet.  She is constantly giving cuddles and loves and she does all these cheeky faces and she makes our family feel so complete.  She most definitely rules the roost, puts her brothers in their place, and is everyone's fav.  Malachi is always telling me that he loves Lani the most, and that he loves me the second most because I gave birth to Lani....

Love this girl.

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