Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Our little garden

As a kid we always had a garden, and usually quite a significantly sized one.  Both my sets of grandparents are huge gardeners, my mums parents are pretty much self sufficient when it comes to fruit and veggies their garden is so big.  So having a garden is normal.  However, having a garden in a home you don't own is not easy.  This year we took a different approach to gardening and went with buckets.  I got the idea from a Stake Relief Society Welfare activity, and it's worked really well for us.  We could have as many or as few as we liked, we could put them where the best sun was, and when we go to Tonga, I can pick them up, put them in my car, and take them to my sister's house for her to water while we're away.  Genius.

The kids had the best time helping to set it all up.

Malachi had some experience, as he's done this before at school, so he was really good about knowing how to dig a little hole to put the seedlings in.

Vili was super enthusiastic and wanted to give all the plants a drink.

Lani just loved the dirt.  She probably ate half a bucketful.  She was climbing all over the show, pulling out plants and having a grand ol' time.

We are only now starting to reap some of our vegies.  The boys have been so excited to see them grow and water them every day.  I love that they can see where food comes from and understand what goes into getting the food on our plates.  And of course it's awesome having fresh vegies on hand whenever I want them.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fun! Can't wait to start ours :D
PS: now the Marae pics are not showing. Yup, I'm your official blog feedbacker.