Monday, February 9, 2009

Called to Serve

The ward we're in right now, the BYUH 5th ward, is amazing. We have the best Bishop ever, Arthur Hanneman, who makes you want to be righteous. He makes sure that everyone always has a calling or two so that you have a chance to serve and feel needed. For the past year 1/2 I've been serving as the ward chorister, which i love!! Then 6 months ago we got called to teach Sunday school, which i love even more. Like most teachers, i get so much more out of a lesson if I'm teaching it. Tui was then called to be the ward clerk. Life was good. Then, sadly, last week i was released from teaching Sunday school - there are a ton of new people who need callings too. So i was content to continue leading our ward in Sunday worship through song.


Yesterday i had a bishop interview at 7am (the joys of 8am church). And i was released from being the Chorister......NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

No calling? How could i not have a calling? I would no longer be a contributing member of society....

I was then informed that the Relief Society Presidency was being released.....dun dun.....and i was being called to be the Education Counselor.My patriarchal blessing talks about receiving callings that would cause me to question my abilities, and this is definitely one of them. We have such an amazing group of spirited women in our ward, and i feel less then adequate to lead them. Luckily the new president and 2nd counselor are amazing and can make up for my weaknesses.

Now i have to admit that i knew this was coming. I always get a feeling before getting a calling. I'll start to feel it. For every one of our callings I've known it was coming. Maybe the Lord knows i need a little more time to prepare myself. So about a month ago i said to Tui, "I don't want to be called to Relief Society, i like being the chorister." He told me i had nothing to worry about because we already had a Relief Society Presidency. Little did he know...

But I'm really excited for this calling and always willing to serve where ever the Lord needs me. I'm trusting that he knows about some secret talents i have and extra time i don't know about so that i can fulfill the calling to serve.


Unknown said...

We didn't have time to congratulate you so here we go: CONGRATS!!! You'll do great, I know you will and Heavenly Father too. What bday gift huh?
BTW, did u get the red package? Yazzie said to make sure u knew it was from HER and I :)

Stephanie Vogel said...

You should have seen my face when I heard all the new women called into presidency, I was beaming! I am so excited for you all. I know you all will be great. You are an amazing example in our ward, I wasn't surprised at all.

Unknown said...

You will make a great education counselor! I have also found that church callings are a great way to expand my horizons and strengthen my testimony. Go get 'em, girl!

Familia Guzman said...

Sarah - those sisters are so blessed to have you serving them! You will be wonderful in that calling. I'm so sad I'm not there to be a part of 5th ward anymore, that's the thing I miss most about Hawaii! Give everybody our love, we think about 5th ward all the time... (sigh)

Trevor and Lauren said...

HAHA!!! Awesome! You will be great!

Karessie said...

awesome :D the Lord really does know each of us...and it's cool once you realize the ways that He "lets you know" things. I'm only beginning to discover it myself- but it's AWESOME! And you were called to be Sunday School teachers, so you would be ready to be over the "education" of your sisters. Go get um girl :)

Tafa Ohana said...

I didn't know you had a blog!! kewl, now I can keep an eye on you guys! :)

Line said...

Congrats Sarah! You are going to be great!

Joseph and Lianna Quillen said...

=) You'll be great. You're one of my spiritual heroes, so I know the girls in our old ward are in good hands. Happy Valentines Day, by the way!

We love you!

Ash said...

Congrats on the new calling! It is awesome that you have something so positive, and rewarding to focus on in life! (I'm still in search of my calling at the moment).
I love jumping online and having a read of your blog to catch up with you! - Man times have changed since the Ohakea days!
Keep being you!

Talk soon,
Ashley K