Friday, February 6, 2009

Updates on the dude

Malachi is getting so big it's hard to keep up with him!! He's so over crawling and is desperately trying to learn to walk. He's standing really well on his own, usually when i'm not looking and if i ever get the camera out he quickly sits down - little brat! I did manage to get one photo though.

He's doing pretty well walking holding on to me with one hand. You can tell he really wants to walk, but as of yet he still hasn't taken his first step.
He loves to sing and dance. This kid can really move (luckily he inherited his mother's dancing skills, and her singing...). He's a great little waver, he waves hello and 'ta ta'. His cognitive skills are getting really sharp too. He watches me do something and then he's a pro. He has this ball popper toy that the balls pop out and then go back down and around. He's learnt where the balls will come out so he can quickly grab them, then he knows where the hole is and he puts them in, then claps for himself, and pushes the button to start it again.

Sleeping is not going so well, he's waking up at least 2 times a night. Because he finally has come teeth coming in! His first little one started cutting about 2 weeks ago and his second one started this week. He's fine during the day but at night he just has a hard time (and so does mummy.).Nothing seems to be working - orajel, advil, tylenol, nothing. I'm very open to suggestions.
He loves electrical cords - grrrrrr. And no matter how many things i put in the way, he figures out how to get to them.


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He also loves the computer too, as you can see. He gets so excited banging on the keys. He's become seasider's (our school's basketball team)number one fan, yelling and clapping along with the crowd. And when he's not cheering everyone on, he's making friends and flirting with the girls.
He likes to makes grunting noises and have us make them back, we go back and forth. It's funny.

All in all he's shaping up to be a pretty great kid. It's so amazing to see how quickly he develops. It's hard to think that 8 months ago he was a little squish, all red and swollen. And now he's this little person with likes and dislikes, and a great personality.

I wrote this post a couple of days ago but forgot to post it and since writing this, we have some updates.....MALACHI TOOK HIS FIRST STEPS!!! Last night Tui was holding on to him and i was sitting about a meter away and he saw me, let go of Tui and took about 4-5 steps! He did it a couple of times more, but then i was so excited, he just wanted to sit on the ground and clap. I can't believe how quickly this kid is changing and growing. I'll be glad when he really can walk and i don't have to carry him any more.


Stephanie Vogel said...

He is walking!! Oh really does go by that fast huh? sad I better enjoy my little red squish while I can!..well when she comes anyways

Ashleigh said...

Awwww YAY MALACHI! He's getting big quick. He's so cute. I want a squish :)

Joseph and Lianna Quillen said...

oh wow! he's walking!! congrats! if we were there.. those steps woulda been at our house ^_~ just kidding!
i miss you guys so much! take care =)

nickole85 said...

Far out Tamatea loves cords too. and how quick is he walking haha 8 months dang.. poor you!!

Moran Family said...

Homeopathic teething tablets. I have never used them but a sister in our ward gave them to her daughter and literally 2 minutes later her little one quit screaming and fell asleep. It was like magic. If your bub is into fruit, freeze some and let him chew on it (frozen bananas are particularly good, just peel them before freezing) Good luck.

Laulu Love said...

Hey Sarah, Im pretty sure your son and my daughter have the same birthday? My daughters bday is 3rd june 08, however in comparison to your boy she is very dainty and small, standing on her own but no sign of taking independent steps!!yey for his first steps! its mean as aye!!!ohh yea and welcome to the wonderful world of serving in the RS!!! Im 2nd C in the stake and yep i too feel inadequate, but am learning quite fast!! good luck