Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

This year I was adventurous and made Malachi's costume. We're broke so I really didn't have any other option. He's been obsessed with this glowing sword we got from the PCC so we made him a Jedi - OB1 to be exact. We went trick or treating with his cousins Isaac and Nase around Laie, and got way too much candy that we're giving to our friend to take back to Fiji, save us from all getting diabetes. It was a great night, and I'm glad Malachi was old enough to enjoy it all. He got the hang of the routine, pumpkin out, say "tikatikatikatika", get candy, say "dan ku", run back to daddy. The force was definitely with him.


kuaback said...

I love his costume..he looked so cute last nite..

LANEA said...


Trevor and Lauren said...

He is a great star wars character!

Line said...

Huh, trick or treating is so much better in warm weather. Maybe next yr we'll fly home to trick or treat!