Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Birthday Bash

So this month I got a little older, and a lot wiser and more mature..... :)
Turned the big 2 3.  My birthday fell on a monday which is a dumb day so the saturday before I decided to throw myself a birthday party, a girls night, to eat food and play games and watch a girlie movie.  I truely needed it and it did me the world of good.  I had a great time, I hope the other girls did to.  We were having so much fun I didn't take many pictures.  But this is what I got.

Leeyen bought me this yummy red velvet cake, which i found out is just regular cake, only about being deceived.  But it was still good.
We played wii, which was really funny.  Some certain people turned out to be super serious, especially when it involved shooting things or racing cows.....







Then on my real birthday, Tui made me breakfast in bed, bought me my very own stash of oreos (which I ate as part of my breakfast in bed), gave me foot massages whenever I asked for them, AND.......he baked.
If you know Tui, you know this is a  big deal.  Tui doesn't cook.  Unless it's noodles or eggs.  And he has never, EVER, baked before.  So of course I documented the process for proof.









The cake actually turned out to be amazing and I loved it.  It tasted even  better knowing that it was made with so much love.  We didn't have a candle so we used a sparkler left over from New Years.  And the Houghtons gave me some Gerber's -  my favorite flowers!

It was a great birthday.  All my siblings remembered it was my birthday, which is a miracle and hasn't happened in years.  I'm so excited to have my next birthday at home with all my family.  But for this year, it was nice to spend it with my family away from family - my friends!


Line said...

Happy birthday Sarah!

Unknown said...

Aw, how fun! I love playing Wii. And gerber daisies =) Glad you had a great day spoiled by your friends and Tui. =)

S.N.D said...

Happy happy birthday..
We got the passport picture taken in Town. It's called Wong's photo by along Hotel Street in China town. They take professional passport pictures.

Maverick and Aissa Mitton said...

your only 23! dats crazy! im like a year n a bit older than u

Unknown said...

Lol @ the stab wounds on the cake...way to check if the cake's done. Good job Tui.

SiOaNa :) said...

Wow he job brother :)

I think Malachi did all the work but he let his dad take all the credit...ha ha.

Glad you had a great birthday :)