Thursday, February 25, 2010

Love Day

Valentines Day this year.

Started a few days earlier with Malachi and I making cookies for his friends.  He had a hand in every part of the process (literally!)








He wasn't as happy later when he realized that he had to give them all away.  (In fact one little friend didn't actually get his because Malachi ate them.)

Then the night before Valentines day I had a Primary Training in town with some of the General Primary Board from Salt Lake so we couldn't even use that night to do something.  But I did come home to find chocolates, a card and a rose on my pillow .
(When Tui was questioned as to why I only got one rose he said, "You just got one, but you got THE BEST one."  Good save babe.)


Sunday morning I got up early, as if 8am church wasn't early enough and made my husband a LOVEly breakfast in bed.  I won't show you the pictures of him in bed eating it because that might scare some of you, but I did get a picture of the food.


 All in all, it was a sucess for all parties involved.  Maybe next year, our 5th Valentines, we'll finally for the first time actually go out on a Valentines date.....maybe....



1 comment:

S.N.D said...

Awwww.sweet! And I love your red top...